Perfect Address TM (April 2024 data)

Interactive ZIP code lookup and address verification program for Windows

ZIP code (ZIP+4) lookup program with city, state, street address, area code, county name and county FIPS code, and current time for every city in the USA

Toss those outdated and cumbersome ZIP code books! Now you can verify and correct any street address in the whole USA in seconds. It's lightning fast and incredibly easy with Perfect Address!

Using Perfect Address, you can

  • Verify and correct mailing addresses for the entire USA.
  • Find the correct ZIP+4 for any address.
  • Find the exact county for any mailing address (more than 20% of all 5-digit ZIP codes cross county lines).
  • Find the city-state for any ZIP code - instantly, as you type!
  • Find the county and FIPS, area code, and time-of-day for any ZIP code.
  • Find the major cities and current time-of-day for any area code, including all the new ones!
  • Find the congressional district (117th Congress) for any address.
  • Create a file with all the cities and ZIP codes in any county or any state.
  • Create a file with all the ZIP codes for any city.
  • Create a file of every active ZIP code with city-state in the USA.
Click here to see how easy it is to use

Using the correct address and correct ZIP code makes a difference in mail delivery speed. The US Postal Service claims that mail with the wrong address or wrong ZIP code is delivered one to three days slower than other mail. And more than 30% of all mail has address errors. Using the correct address and ZIP code also helps you find and eliminate duplicate records in your own files.

Perfect Address is

  • Comprehensive - Covers all 125 million US addresses, including amore than 750,000 business addresses.
  • Accurate - Published monthly, based on the latest national address database licensed directly from the US Postal Service.
  • Flexible - Searches by full street address or ZIP+4.
  • Informative - Displays county name and FIPS code, area code, and current time-of-day for each address.
  • Interactive - Updates lists of cities, states, ZIP codes, counties, and streets instantly with every keystroke, guiding you directly to the correct address. No guessing required!
  • Integrated - Embeds itself automatically with Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect.
  • Helpful - Finds the ZIP+4 and calculates the delivery point barcode digits.
  • Connected - Exports verified addresses to the clipboard or to an ASCII file.
  • Fast - Finds any address in the country instantly, even on older computers.
  • Portable - Runs with all versions of Windows.
There's just no faster, easier, or better way to verify and correct an address!

  • No usage limits or time limits
  • Monthly, quarterly, or semiannual subscriptions available
  • Fully network ready (multi-user license required)
We reproduce Perfect Address only when you place your order. That way you'll always receive the absolutely latest, up-to-date address database available. You can't find more accurate or up- to-date address information anywhere. We guarantee it!

Windows operating system (not available for other platforms)

We offer these licenses for Perfect Address:

Please read our License Overview to determine which license you need.

April 2024

save up to 15%

save up to 25%

save up to 37%
Workstation License: $49.95 $84.90 $149.95 $375.00
Enterprise License: $199.00 $389.00 $597.00 $1,500.00

* Semiannual subscription: Annual fee. You'll receive the April 2024 Perfect Address now and a second version in 6 months.
** Quarterly subscription: Annual fee. You'll receive the latest Perfect Address version every three months for a full year, starting with April 2024.
*** Monthly subscription: Annual fee. You'll receive the latest Perfect Address every month for a full year, starting with April 2024.
Prices subject to change without notice.

Internet: NEW! Download this program immediately after placing your order online via our secure server.

Approximate download file size: 340 MB.

You can also place your order via phone or mail for Internet download.

There is no shipping and handling charge for Internet download.

CDROM: We'll process and ship your order within one business day. The following shipping and handling charges apply to delivery on CDROM:
Surface (USA, First Class) $8.00
International (Air Mail) $20.00

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
We back the quality of Perfect Address with our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied with Perfect Address we will cheerfully refund the license fee you paid.

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Yes, I want to order ZIP code, city, state, area code, county name, county FIPS code, and current time for every city in the USA

ZIP code, city, state, area code, county name, county FIPS code, and current time for every city in the USA

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ZIP code, city, state, area code, county name, county FIPS code, and current time for every city in the USA

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